Motivation rounds
AO: Gladiator
When: 2024-03-26
QIC: Zohan
PAX (20): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Mater, Porkchop (Ryan Stackable), Scratch-Off, Shrinkage, Slider, Spandex, Speedo, vertigo, Yokel, Zohan, Dutchoven (FNG), Brownie
Mosey to the parking lot under the tennis courts. Imperial Walkers, Weed Pickers, Chinooks, Worlds Greatest Stretch. Not sure who spoke, as it was very dark and lots of mumble chatter, but someone complained about not having SSH for the warmup, so YHC obliged and we did some fast pace SSH as well.The Thang:
A board of pain was waiting a few steps away near the tennis courts. PAX will do one exercise, run up the stairs to the top of the courts and there they can choose right or left. If they go left they'll pass by the coupon pile and stop for 10 Curls, 10 Shoulder Press and 10 Skull Crushers. If they go right they'll stop for 7 Burpees in the parking lot. Continue back down for the next exercise, rinse and repeat. The Motivation playlist was taken from a Gwinnett PAX named Radar. It got me through January and the 100 Burpee challenge and so I thought to share it and I designed the workout with that inspiration in mind - a high number of reps, but you can push through and complete it without sacrificing form. The exercises were:- 50 Merkins
- 50 Big Boys
- 50 Bobby Hurley, single
- 50 Shoulder Taps, alpha
- 50 Flutter Kicks, alpha
- 50 Monkey Humpers
- 25 Wide, 25 Diamond
- 50 Gas Pumpers
- 50 Apolo Ohnos, alpha
- 50 SSH
- 50 Lunges, single - I didn't think we'll have time for this, but a few gazelles made it here and went further. I think I saw LBCs but might have been more.