Death Blow Merlot
AO: Nirvana
When: 04/06/2024
QIC: Dosido
PAX (7): Dosido, Icee, MillerTime, No-See-Um, Roman, Shortcake, Sprocket
QIC intended to induce the Merlot with an intense BD.
Mosey 2 laps of MHS “central park” then to flag for 2 sets 5 rep 4x4s & 21 SSH.
The Thang:
Mosey to bottom of BFH and partner up. PAX A initiates burpee-broad jumping the hill, while B performs 10 squats and runs to catch up. Switch-a-roo, the broad jumper performs the squats while the other takes over burpee-broad jump; continue in this manner to the top, then a minute of plank, and a dozen alpha mountain climbers. Return to the bottom. PAX A run to summit, perform 10 IC mountain climbers, and return to tag partner who’d been rotating 5 merkins, 10 squats over and over until he returns: flap jack. Next, all PAX run to top for 3rd ascent, followed by several minutes of plank, and mountain climbers, then continue mosey towards pull-up bar area for…
Ascending testicles: wall walk to 15degrees perform 5 derkins, continue wall walk to 60degrees, perform 5 derkins, continue wall walk to full BTTW for 30s hold. Shake it out for a 10 count, then repeat a second time. let’s mosey, no rest, to NWMS drop-off circle for…
7s using the whole circle; burpees at the top, merkins at the bottom. Following this we mosey’d a full lap around the school, then headed to the flag for 3 mins of Mary.
Prayers for those traveling and we lifted all inner prayers for His consideration. These dudes are strong and resilient. Try as I might, they would not be broken. Honored to lead.
Peace out