Lightweight’s Lament
AO: Firehouse
When: 2024-05-23
QIC: Dunshire
PAX (5): Dunshire, LifeLock VPN, Lightweight, Seaman, Suarez
Hey, we showed up and talked a bit. Seaman came in right on time, racing over the speedbump and smelling like a burnt oil champ! (his car not him)Warm-O-Rama:
So we moseyed then circled up for the Warm-o-Rama. Warm-ups included:- 15 Side Straddle Hops
- 15 Imperial Walkers
- 10 Weed Pickers
- SunGods OYO
- Michael Phelps
The Thang:
The Thang was we grabbed a coupon, which we totally did not run with, and headed toward the field. Here is the breakdown:- Murder Bunny w/ coupons to the 10-yard line, then 5 merkins and continue murder bunnying each 10-yard line increasing the merkins by 5 each time until midfield.
- At midfield we started decreasing the merkins by 5 each 10 yards until we stopped at the end field.
- The trip back followed the same cadence, except we lunged with coupons and did big boys instead of merkins.