Cold temps have lifted - time for some old school beat down routines and tunes! Let’s get it!
Mosey around the parking lot and stop back in the lower lot by the flag for Warm ups: all IC
Weed Puckers
Willie Mays Hayes
good Mornings
The Thang:
Mosey up to the Kidney Bean for some light poles:
12 stops - descending jump
squats starting at 12 down to 1 with +3 burpees at each post
next - mosey down to the lower concession stand for some 7 or diamonds around the building:
Round 1:
7 Burpees
14 Bonnie Blairs
21 star jumps
Round 2:
7 Wolverines
14 T- Stop Mercans
21 Jungle Boi Squats
28 Reverse LBCs
Next: Partner Dora
Partner A Backpedal up the Hill and mosey back
Partner B: 50 Donkey Kicks, 100 wall taps, Wall sit at 90 degrees till partner returns X 2
nack to the flag for Mary
- Prayers for stressful work situations
- Bless upcoming races and challenges for F3 Cumming
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Cold conditions have impacted us this week - snowman shared a story of a health scare and his feelings were real. We shouldn’t be afraid of weather, right? We’re F3? We are hard cocks! We do hard things! The truth is, that our health and safety ALLOW us to do hard things so be smart, invest in the right gear, pack your car with the right gear, and protect yourself against the elements. Protect against being cold and wet, protect against wind, keep your head and hands as warm as you can, and then you can focus on what you got out of bed to do - work hard! Aye!