Some of dis, Some of dat

AO: Black Water

When: 2025-02-03

QIC: Ma Bell

PAX (13): Baskins, Ditch Witch, Fish Fingers, Krystal, Ma Bell, Madoff, Mr. Hand, Scampi, Schneider, Simple Jack, Swiper, The Body, Schrute


YHC was happy to see another Monday Q on the calendar to get the taste of last week's travesty at Grindstone, where nobody else showed up. Eff them guys. Black Water, on the other hand, did not disappoint. 13 studs who ain't skeered showed up to get better. I'm now a Black Water man.


Run down the main street to the far end and circumnavigate up to the 4th level of the deck (the long way). We circled up for
  • Merkins
  • Plank Jacks
  • Calf and Runners stretches

The Thang:

Thang 1: Partner up. P1 run toward and down one stairwell while P2 runs toward and down the other stairwell. Meet in the middle on the lower level for 10 Partner Merkins, continue on to the stairwell opposite the one you came down, back up to L4. Meet your partner in the middle for very manly teeter-totter squats. Repeato 3 more times. Mary at the top until the six arrived. We then wound our way back down the parking deck with world's worst merkins every time at one end and burpees on the other. Mary at the bottom until the six arrived, then a quick round of side plank star crunches. Thang 2: Jog over to the fountain to the bottom of the stairs. Re-engage with your partner. P1 runs down to the stage for 15 thrusters while P2 does AMRAP LBCs until P2 gets back. Then each partner takes a turn wheelbarrowing the other to the top of the stairs. Yeah, you heard me. Flapjack with P2 doing thrusters, P1 doing LBCs, and another wheelbarrow load to the top of the stairs. Those with cadaver parts in their shoulders were free to bear crawl instead. Thang 3: jump on down to the middle level of the amphitheater for a quick set of 7s - dips on one end, box jumps in the middle. Pick which end you want to go to. Had to audible and cut it one rep short in order to make it back to the flag, which we did via the boardwalk right on time.


All the things - count, names, announcement (Hillseeker; get on a team), lots of prayer requests, BOM (YHC took us out in prayer), Pledge, pic

Naked-Man Moleskin:

  • Gentlemen, it was an honor to lead actual people this morning. Thanks for working hard out there! Great group today
  • Grindstone will have to earn YHC back
  • Standing 10-counts are not in YHC's Q-cabulary. My challenge to everyone is to up the BD tempos and keep the PAX moving
  • I'm not sure how many made it to coffeeteria; YHC had to dip :-(
  • MIAGD, Go Pack and, as always, GTHC

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