AO: The Wreck
When: 10/05/2020
QIC: SmackDown
PAX (17): Juul, Haselhoff, Breach, Caffeine, Yankee, Raider, Foley, Meltdown, Sell Out, Norm, Squeegee, Backside, Beiber, Goat, Devito, Aflac
The weather was perfect for a Monday morning beatdown to start the week! Seventeen HIM’s ditched the fartsack and were ready to roll at 5:30a.
PAX circled the exercise equipment for 10x Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers & Abe Vigoda with 25x SSH in between each set.
The Thang:
Roll Call
– 1 PAX hits the bar for 5 pull-ups while remaining PAX performs 5 squats in unison. Rinse and repeat until everyone has completed 5 pull-ups at the bar
– It was easy to spot those that have traded beatdowns for logging miles. YHC is one of them, and I don’t remember five pull-ups being that difficult…
Mosey to football field.
Devito was so excited to get on the cold, wet ground so we circled up for Captain Thor.
– F3 Exicon lists 1 Big Boy : 4 American Hammers, but YHC knows these beatdowns ain’t no hobby for the PAX so we performed 1:5
– Constant Q Aflac had some thoughts about this, but alas, we started at 1:5 and dropped the hammer to 10:50
PAX then moved to the 10 yard line for 1st & 10:
– 10 Merkins & 1 Burpee, mosey 90 yards to goal line then back to 20 yard line
– 9 Merkins & 2 Burpees then mosey to goal line and back to the 30 yard line
– 8 Merkins & 3 Burpees then mosey to goal line and back to the 40 yard line
– Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed
Mosey to retaining wall behind Field 3 for 25 Box Jumps & 25 Bonnie Blairs OYO
Mosey to the flag for Mary-O-Rama. Different PAX called out various exercises including Diamond Merkin, Crunchy Frog, Box Cutter, Freddie Mercury & J-Lo. Foley’s streak of not counting cadence is still in tact.
Rubicon is hosting the F3 Alpha Fall Convergence on Saturday, October 17. BD starts at 6:30 a.m. with coffee and doughnuts to follow. Come out to celebrate 5 YEARS of F3 in The Alpha Region!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
“A good life is one where you develop your strengths, realize your potential, and become what it is in your nature to be.” – Jonathan Haidt The Happiness Hypothesis
Cheers to all those works-in-progress out there chasing the good life!