Partner Static Holds
AO: Bad Apple
When: 02/01/2021
QIC: Devito
PAX (8): Miller Time, Sprocket, Pony Boy, Rusty, Snax, Brutus, Goat, Devito
Cold and windy … what a great way to kick off February. My focus for the 1st half of 2021 is to Q at a variety of different AOs (at least 5). Badapple is my first traveling Q for the year.
A quick run through the school lots and we circled up for IC SSH, weed pickers and imperial walkers.
The Thang:
Today’s focus was on alternating muscle work and static hold. Static holds engage your muscles in a different way vs exercise, so the combo tends to compliment well together. Framework was to partner up; and partner A does the exercise reps while partner B is in static hold. Then flap jack. Rinse and repeat so that each guy completes 3 sets of exercises.
- 10 burpees with air chair
- 20 crunchy frogs with balls to the wall
- 30 mercans with canoe hold
- 40 flutter kicks with wall sit
- 50 squats with plank
We ran around the school lots and over through the shopping center lots between so each new exercise was in a new location, and with a new partner.
We finished the squats with a bit of time left, so we returned to the gazebo and grabbed a bit of bench. Alternating sets of dips and close hand derkins to completely burn out our triceps. 1st round was 20 reps each, then 15, 10 and 5. Then back to the flag, stopping along the way for a stretch of bear crawl and crab walk. Short bit of Mary from Brutus and Sprocket closed us out.
Praise for Sprocket’s daughter coming well through COVID quarantine.
Prayers for a former coworker and father stuck in the snowstorm in the NE.
Prayers for a lumpy head to form perfectly.