Stadion Black Friday

AO: Stadion

When: 2023-11-24

QIC: Stroller

PAX (1): Stroller


With the Stadion Half yesterday, YHC wasn't sure who would show. As it turns out, no one. Ah well, I'm here and this is happening.

The Thang: Found the gate to the Centennial track locked, but was able to get some stadiums in instead. And all that time, the gate at the bottom of the stands was open. Stadiums were enough today, though

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It's been a while since I was solo at a legit AO. So I'll share what I wrote last time this happened ( Today would have been easy to cancel, but I think there’s something meaningful in knowing that someone is always there to plant the shovel flag. Think of how embarrassing it would have been if a DR PAX or FNG had pulled in and found no one at 0530. Sure, we could have got into contact eventually and explained Hillseeker etc. But I much prefer the answer that someone was there because we have an obligation to be there whenever we put a pin on the map. When we have our eyes on the mission, we know how important that is.

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