Caffey’s Board of Pain

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-12-26

QIC: Stroller

PAX (5): Dark_Side, DREAMER, Scratch-Off, Stroller, Brownie


Boxing Day Beatdown at 0515 at the Gladiator. Last night, YHC began to wonder if anyone else would actually post, but fortunately HCs from stalwarts Scratch-off and Dreamer rolled in. Then again, Dreamer is expecting a baby any minute now so that HC wasn't so H, but at least the thought was there. Scratch-off and I returned from the pre-run. After a few minutes Dreamer, Brownie, and Dark Side rolled in. It's time to go.


Mosey to the coupon pile and grab a lifting rock. Head over to the pavilion. I meant to do a warm-up here, but forgot.

The Thang:

Originally I was searching for a different board of pain, but came across a memorable entry from Caffey ( and decided to use it instead. A couple modifications to accommodate 45 minutes rather than an hour, and we were ready to go. 4 exercises per round. After each round, mosey the pond loop (approx 1/8 mile). All exercises Alpha
  • Round 1, squats x 25, stepups x 15, dips x 25, v-ups x 25
  • Round 2, overhead press x 25, HR mercans x 25, burpees x 15, LBC x 25
  • Round 3, sumo squats x 25, Bonnie Blair x 15, Carolina Dry Docks x 25, gas pumpers x 25
  • Round 4, SSH x 25, incline mercans x 25, lunges x 15, flutter kicks x 25
  • Round 5, monkey humpers x 25, split squats x 15, dercans x 25, leg lifts x 25
  • Round 6, bent over row x 25, diamond mercans x 25, blockees x 15, American hammers x 25
  • Round 7, curls x 25, front raises x 25, skull crushers x 25, BBSU x 25
  • Round 8, AMRAP mercans to failure (30-60 depending on the PAX), AMRAP squats to failure, then plank hold to failure
Returned coupons, and back to the flag. Under a minute left, we did rounds 6 and 7 of Jack Webb, and that was it.


  • Praise for great Christmas for all
  • Praise/prayers for Scratch-off moving full-time to run the Grownup Swim League
  • Safe delivery for Dreamer and Rapid's 2.2

Naked-Man Moleskin:

5 is a light crowd, but more than enough for good mumblechatter and a good push to get through this workout. Thanks men!!

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