Army PFT

AO: Galaxy

When: 2023-12-29

QIC: Jorts

PAX (11): Abacus (Mark Green), DIGIT, Jillian, Jorts, Louganis, McLovin (Amir Oren), New Coke, Skol, Sparky, Steamer, Wideright


For the last beat down of 2023 it was time once again for our semi-annual fitness check and the Army PFT was on tap on a nice cool morning at the park.


AIC x 10
  • ssh
  • bear hugs
  • don quixote
  • Skol claps
  • lunges
  • merkins
dynamic exercises while walking to the pavilion
  • heel scoops
  • hurdle step overs
  • butt kickers
  • high toe touches
  • low toe touches

The Thang:

the classic Army PFT: 2 mile run 2 minutes max push-ups 2 minutes max sit ups Create a note and log your score every 6 months Calculate your score here  


Continued prayers for our brother Drainhole as his M Marissa continues to fight cancer and support for the doctors as they work to find out what exactly is going on

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Praise to a great 2023 and let’s all work to bring out at least 1 new pax in 2024

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