Grindstone Olympics

AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-07-26

QIC: Spit Valve

PAX (10): 5-way, DirtyMO, Grimace, Ma Bell, Omaha, Relient, Shag, Snowman, Vanna


Swiper requested help with the Q the night before, and I was happy to grab it and plan an Olympic theme BD.


Mosey to the parking lot while playing the Olympic Theme. Start with SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies and forward arm circles.

The Thang:

5 events...
  1. Olympic Torch relay - partner up. Partner 1 runs to the 50 and back with a coupon held above head while partner 2 performs plank jacks. Perform 5 burpees after returning with the coupon. Complete 2 rounds.
  2. Coupon clean and jerk - 20 reps followed by 20 squats with coupon
  3. Weightlifting Circuit - In cadence complete 20 overhead press, 20 skull crushers, 20 bent over rows and 20 curls. Crab walk to 20 and duck walk back. Complete a 2nd round and then bear crawl to the 20 and inch worm back.
  4. Merkin ring of fire - Q had to cut it off at 200 with DirtyMO and Shag still going strong.
  5. Shot Put - Partner 1 shot puts the coupon and retrieves doing a one legged bear crawl while partner 2 performs squats.
Back to the flag for some flutter kicks and 100s (Ma Bell special)


  • Launch of the new AO at Central Park on 8/7 - The Phoenix
  • Prayers for Durty Nelly and team dealing with aftermath of IT problems at Delta. Durty Nelly joined for the prerun but had to leave before the BD.
  • Prayers for Snowman's job
  • Prayers for Vanna and Omaha's father-in-law / grandfather recently diagnosed with leukemia

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I leveraged the power of ChatGPT for most of this one and think it turned out pretty well. If any PAX ever needs help with a BD, let technology help you out!

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