PJ bounced and left all the puddles for Kegger
AO: The Gladiator
When: 11/12/2019
QIC: Kegger
PAX (10): Speedo (Respect) Brownie Mufasa (Respect) Scratch Off Spandex (Respect) Wika Wika DC2 Tebow Viking
I’m not a weatherman, but know that you’re getting a lot of inches this morning…
100% chance of rain in the forecast so YHC felt the call to serve to support Puddle Jumper when he got tied up with work.
I arrived to the park a little bit early to move some benches near the spray grounds gazebo we’ve never used but it was too dark and water was coming in from all sides. I then drove over to the largest pavilion and moved those benches to prepare the area for the PAX.
It was just Mufasa and I for a while and I thought the rain scared away all the Gladiators but as the cars poured in like the sky we had a brief disclaimer and were off. Short mosey around parking lot to the overhang.
SSHs x 15
High Knees x 15
Weed Pickers x 15
Mosey to our largest pavilion in the middle of the park
The Thang
20 Merkins then bear crawl to other side of the pavilion for 1 LBC then crawl bear back
19 Merkins then bear crawl to other side of the pavilion for 2 LBC then crawl bear back continue until
1 Merkin and 20 LBC
I have to mention Viking’s bootlegged 90s alternative playlist got some good laughs when it clearly played a Russian karaoke version of Rockstar by Smash Mouth.
This Thang took a lot more time than QIC anticipated so at around 75% completion I called it much to Brownie’s dismay but I had some others things in store.
Thang 2
We grabbed a buddy for Partner Paper/Rock/Scissors Burpees
10 rounds
Face your partner in a plank position play PRS and winner gets to plank while loser does # of Burpees for that round
I felt so bad for Scratch Off only winning I think round 3 (LOL) I split his Burpees by round 8, 9, and 10 because he was spent. I was definitely in his head when I noticed he goes rock first A TON.
Thang 3
I had plans for a larger circuit but due to time I dropped the reps
5-10-5 (5 of each exercise, 10 of each exercise, 5 of each exercise)
Jump Squats
Step Ups
Mosey back to the overhang where Spandex happily pulled the mobile coffeeteria underneath
Dying Cockroach (Brownie)
Flutter Kicks (Viking)
American Hammer (Tebow/DC2 stolen)
Prayers for Ashley, Spandex Sister, Viking’s SIL, DC2 and all other unspoken requests
Thanks for letting me lead guys! Had a blast as always and appreciate everyone in our group.