The Call of the Block
AO: The Shadow
When: 10/24/2020
QIC: Manhole
PAX (14): CIA, Diablo, Dubya, FNG (Bunyan), Gilligan, Gopher, Green Bean, Major, Manhole, Radar, Scout, Suds, Sunshine, Team Mom
After what can only be described as one of the most perfect weather weeks for beatdowns at f3Shadow, we new it was coming to an end. The question was, would it come to an end before or after YHC had a chance to take the reins again. Luckily, for those that shook off the cobwebs, fought their way out of the fartsack, swallowed the DRP and faced down the gloom, the weather cooperated one more time. 0700 struck, and the 14 of us got down to business.F3 Shadow Roll Call 102420
With our smaller numbers, we were able to stay put in the lower lot. The disclaimer was given and work ensued. All of it was IC at a count of either x10 or x15.
- SSH (15)
- Running with Scissors (10)
- Imperial Walkers (15)
- Large Arm Circles (10)
- Low Slow Squats
- Baryshnikovs (10)
- Windmills (15)
- Stone Mountains (15)
The 2nd time around we ditched the baryshnikovs, as YHC is hardly coordinated enough to pull it off once, let alone twice. Time to mosey. Up the hill, across the school parking lot and down the back side to the Pile of Pain. (Cinder Blocks that is)
The Thang:
We paired off and each pair had a coupon to share. While partner 1 ran out of the cul de sac, up the hill, past the school to the 2nd gate and back, partner did stationary work:
- Squats
- Chest Press
- Windshield Washers
After partner 1 goes, flapjack with partner 2.
Turns out 1 time through this was enough, so we put the blocks away, and moved on.
Next we circled up and found our collective six for some Mary. (All IC and all x15, well mostly)
- Dunwoody Debbies
- Low-la-lita’s
- Jelly Donuts
- Obliques (Right and Left)
- American Hammers
- Big Boy Situps (OYO)
- Big Block Alphabet
- Low Flutters
We went straight from this into Grateful Dead (parts 1 and 2)
Time to mosey, and so we did, off the cul-de-sac, across the wood chip trail and back up to the school.
While we waited for the 6, we got in the 3rd round of Grateful Dead.
Not quite done with partner work. Starting from the fence end of the lot, Partner 1 ran to the other end and back while partner 2 performed squats on round 1, and LBCs or round 2.
Planked for the 6 and then right into Superman / HRMs in alternating sets.
2 sets of Dips (x10 and IC) to round things out, and YHC called time.
Suds took us out with some reminders of who we are and why we are there.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
We named FNG (Bunyan) EH’d by Team Mom, and coming to us for a visit from lovely Moultrie, GA. (A forestry professional and former GA Bulldawg O-Lineman (Center) and team mate of Team Mom.
Green Bean gave the F3 backstory.
Radar reminded us to keep Ricochet and M (Emily) in our thoughts during their 2nd pregnancy and also asked for prayers for his daughter Hannah who is trying to get a job at Eggleston this Tuesday.
Team Mom talked about the ThunderMeat amalgamation.
Here is the Q schedule for the week:
- Monday – PMS – Sasquatch – 0600
- Tuesday – DHS – Green Bean – 0530
- Seles – 0600
- Thursday – DHS – CIA – 0530
- OPEN – 0600
- Friday – The Shroom – Run and Ride – 0600 – both still open
- Saturday – DNC – Manhole’s Spooktacular (headlamps suggested)