Sandbag (and Cinder) Insanity

AO: Starting Line

When: 2023-09-27

QIC: Sirmixalot

PAX (3): Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot, toadstool


A strength focused beatdown taken from GoRuck and Mountain Tough. It's a pretty demanding beatdown.


Overhead Squat x 10 Merkin Toe Touch 5/5 (Merkin where you reach with each hand toward the opposite toe. 5 each side) American Hammer 30 AC Repeat x2

The Thang:

200 yard high front sandbag carry 75 Back squats with sandbag - in sets of 15 - between each set of 15, complete 5 devil press (half burpee with overhead press - sandbag) 20 - Crunchy Frog 20 - Bag hops Repeat x 3 Then - 200 yard high front Sandbag Carry Cool down - Child's pose for 1 minute then couch stretch repeat x2


This was definitely a challenging workout. Very good effort by all Prayers and coffeteria.

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