
AO: Jericho

When: 2023-11-10

QIC: Deuce

PAX (7): Baskins, Benny, Deuce, Mr. Hand, Schneider, Todd Doherty l F3 UMass, Whiz


YHC birthday is Sunday (11/12), so we celebrated by performing 42 reps to the musical hits of 1981.


Willie Mayes Mayes, Copperhead Squats, Hillbilly, Michael Phelps 42 Seconds of…Burpees, Merkins, Lunges

The Thang:

Mosey around the park. Dora - 42 Burpees, 142 Merkins, 242 (reduced to 142 due to time) squats Mosey back to the flag, along the way stopping and doing exercises and sprints. Mary - American Hammers, Lindsay Lohan, Alabama Prom Date, American Hammer  


Prays for Napalm (and others) on Veterans Day.  Pray for PAX who have been absent for some time to come back. Saturday - Convergence Dec 9 - Santa Ruck and Christmas Party

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