Grind alpha count…it’s not what you think.

AO: Gladiator

When: 2023-11-09

QIC: Speedo

PAX (12): Cheneral, Darkside, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Mater, RaspberryPi, Spandex, Speedo, vertigo, Zohan, Brownie


One of the last warm mornings of the year so let's go. Vertigo was there since the temps were between 51 and 56 degrees on an odd-numbered day in an odd-numbered month in an odd-numbered year. A little sprinkles to start but it didn't stop the guys from posting and working hard.


Ran to the top of the hill and warmed up

The Thang:

Instructed pax that we’d be doing a set of exercises that spell out the word GRIND. Escalating reps from 10-50 and different MOT during the transitions. Pax were instructed to do the previous station’s exercise while waiting for the six. Here’s what we did:
  • Groiners x10 then lunge walk 20x alpha and run to where the path turns at Holcomb Bridge. This is where the pre-requested head lamps came in handy.
  • Ranger Merkins x20 then side lunge 20x alpha and run about halfway to the library. Lots of mumblechatter about who was looking at who's rear ends during the side lunges.
  • Imperial Walkers x30 alpha then reverse lunge 15x alpha and run to the library. We taught Vertigo how to count.
  • Nolan Ryans x40 alpha then broad jump 20x and run to the intersection on Fouts. We reminded Mater what alpha count means.
  • Diamond merkins x50. Gazelles Bernie toward the park entrance then turn around and run regular when the six caught up.
After a quick 10 count that went horribly, we rinsed and repeated, this time counting down from 50 reps with:
  • Gorilla humpers x50 then bunny hops x40 and run to the first speed bump.
  • Reverse LBCs x40 then inch worm x10 and run to the pavilion
  • Imperial squat walkers alpha x30 then run to the corner and bear crawl to the first pitch
  • No surrenders x20 then run to the center of the other pitch
  • Double merkin burpees x10
Back to the flag in time for two sets of mary.


Prayers for Spandex's job search and for his dad's health issues Prayers for Dreamer and Macbeth who are running a marathon on Saturday Prayers for Verigo's wrestling program obstacles and for his training to produce the desired results. Convergence on 11/11 at Perimeter Church. Check Slack Spandex and Laces are collecting $ for Santa Ruck which is on 12/9. Check Slack for details

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I was excited and nervous about this workout. Excited because I 'borrowed' it from Whiz (with minor modifications) and it required very little planning. Nervous because it seemed like it was going to be challenging (for me at least). It was a lot of fun and predictably difficult. Thanks for taking my lead. --Speedo out

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