Spotify in Spanish es muy mal

AO: Boneyard

When: 2023-12-11

QIC: Speedo

PAX (13): Bo Knows, Dark Side, Dinghy, DREAMER, FannyPack, Half-Dozen, Mater, Shrimp, Speedo, Stifler (Jeff Levy), Stroller, Zohan, Big Bang


Last Boneyard beat down before a trip to Mexico with my M so decided to dish out some festive awfulness. Cold but at least dry so everyone was happy. Disclaimer given and we were off.


Mosey a bit until we landed next to the basketball courts and circled up for:
  • Hillbillies x12 IC
  • Weed pickers x12 IC
  • SSH x12 IC
  • Copperhead squats x12 IC
  • Hangovers
  • Michael Phelps
At some point we saw Bo Knows driving in a couple minutes late and relocated to see if we could hide from him. Childish but fun in the moment

The Thang:

Mosey to a new pavilion where YHC had set up a board of pain. The exercises kinda sorta spelled out FELIZ NAVIDAD and Pax were instructed to do them 12-days-of-Christmas style. Perform exercise 1 then run to a designated spot and back. Perform exercise 2 then exercise 1 then run, etc. All exercises were 12-count except where indicated. At some point due to time constraints we cut the cadences on some but kept the rep counts Exercises were:
  1. Flutter kicks
  2. Ees, Burp = burpees x8
  3. Lunges
  4. Incline merkins
  5. Zig zag bear crawl (starting at a cone YHC had laid out, bear crawl to the next 5 cones that were set up in a zig zag pattern.)  A run option was also available for this one.
  6. No surrenders - modified to Chuck Norris merkins at some point
  7. Alternating shoulder taps
  8. V-ups
  9. Imperial Walkers
  10. Diamond merkins
  11. something that starts with A
  12. Dips
No one finished to my knowledge but we had a lot of laughs as the Spotify Christmas playlist seemed to be repeating the same 2-3 songs over and over. YHC caught much-deserved grief about this. Back to the flag in time for 12 2-count (aka 24) diamond merkins.


Praises for a successful Santa Ruck Prayers for Dinghy's BIL battling some demons Prayers for safe travels for Mater's M Prayers for Fanny Pack and his M as they discern options/plans for their middle son  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Today marked by 200th F3 beat down of the year. I tried to encourage the guys to set a goal of active days so that if you miss a beat down that day is not completely wasted from a count perspective.  It's a you vs. you focus and I didn't bring this up to shame or challenge others to match it. There are many F3 guys who accomplish much more important things (fitness and otherwise) that I would fail at miserably. Embrace your strengths, challenge the status quo, don't settle for average or mediocre and give thanks every day you get to do these things. -- Speedo out

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