Presents for all

AO: Boneyard

When: 2023-12-15

QIC: Mater

PAX (8): Feathers, Half-Dozen, Pigtails, Saint2O, Shrimp, TARDIS, Brownie


With the holidays coming up, it's always nice to give gifts to everyone.


Mosey around the parking lot, SSH, Windmilll, Weedpicker, World's Greatest Stretch

The Thang:

Since we were all on the nice list, 7 Presents for everyone!  In each present, there were some exercises listed that we took turn picking (25 of each exercise).  Goal was to finish and open all 7 gifts. Present 1: Burpees Star Jumps Shoulder Taps SSH’s Present 2: Jump Squats Squats Bonnie Blairs Lunges Step ups Present 3: Merkins Diamond Merkins Wide Merkins Erkins Derkins Present 4: Bear crawl Run Bernie Sanders Crab walk Present 5 (with coupon): Curls Chest Press Overhead Press Bentover Rows Thrusters Present 6: V-Ups Big Boys LBCs American Hammers Gas Pumpers Present 7 (30 seconds): Balls to the wall Wall sit Donkey Kicks Mosey'd back to the flag and performed Present 6 exercises until time.


Prayers for Brownie's wife's surgery Upcoming/past Feather's holiday party.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for the great group of men!  I enjoy pushing and being pushed by you guys.  I am only getting stronger because of you.

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