‘Merica Track Ladder BD

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-07-04

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (10): Cam's, Chapter 11, DeLorean, Ha-ha, Huffy, Matlock, muTTon, Shortcake, Stu


As per usual YHC arrived early at the AO, specifically the St Francis track, to set up cones, lighting, tunes, boards of pain, sandbags, cinders, etc.  The flag was planted at the pavilion and then setup down at the track commenced. This would be a run heavy, ladder track workout with a goal to top any of our recent running distance BD records and pay tribute to our country's Independence Day.  Once setup was finished, YHC joined the PAX at the flag.  10 total PAX were ready to go at 0530.  Time was called with a quick intro + disclaimer, then we moseyed down the hill back to the St Francis track.


The PAX were led in cadence through:
  • SSHs - 10
  • Weed Pickers - 10
  • Hillbillies - 10
  • Merkins ('Mercans) - 10
  • Willie Mays Hayes - OYO

The Thang:

Once formed up and warmed up down on the track, YHC intro'd the BD. Again, it would be a track ladder workout consisting of a 1 - group warm up lap, then 4 rounds of increasing distance with 1+ minute of an exercise plus 20-30 seconds of rest between rounds. (warm up lap + 4 rounds) There was also a "carry" option/modification provided as a run alternative. The modification consisted of carrying (farmer's carry preferred) a set of cinders or 40 lbs sandbags down and back over a marked distance (roughly 160 meters) with 20 bench dips during each out/back. The number of laps for each round of the carry option aligned with the run lap count. Recommended baseline (ideally no slower than) run paces were provided...the music / exercise prompt app was started and the Thang commenced. -------------------- THE THANG: ***RUN OPTION***
(Warm Up) 1 Lap (@11 min pace)   Plank for the 6 20 sec
(Round 1) 1 Lap (@ 8 min pace)   Hillbilly Squats (1 minute) 30 sec
(Round 2) 2 Laps (@ 8 min pace)   Big Boy Sit-Ups (1 minute) 30 sec
(Round 3) 3 Laps (@ 8:30 min pace)   Merkins (1 minute) 30 sec
(Round 4) 4 Laps (@ 8:45 min pace)   Plank for the 6 / Clean Up Return to Flag
(Warm Up) Run 1 Lap (@11 min pace)   Plank for the 6 20 sec
(Round 1) 1 Lap (20 DIPS HALFWAY)   Hillbilly Squats (1 minute) 30 sec
(Round 2) 2 Laps (20 DIPS HALFWAY)   Big Boy Sit-Ups (1 minute) 30 sec
(Round 3) 3 Laps (20 DIPS HALFWAY)   Merkins (1 minute) 30 sec
(Round 4) 4 Laps (20 DIPS HALFWAY)   Plank for the 6 / Clean Up Return to Flag
The PAX all worked/ran hard during the BD and we were all able to complete the ladder in time (at or under pace), help YHC collect BD items (cones, etc) and mosey back to the flag with only +1.5 minutes over time.   YHC clocked about 3.8 total miles via Garmin during the BD.


The 6th Man: Huffy Thanks for sharing your F3 origin story !!! ---------------- Announcements: Happy 4th of July !!! Norseman vs Rubicon Ultimate Frisbee BD at The Norseman on Tues 7/16 at 0530 Norseman PAX Qs throughout the Alpha on SAT (Black Widow, Nirvana, Trailblazer) ------------------- Prayers: God Bless America !! Prayers for God to help us remember that He is near and the one in control of our lives, despite the appearance of our own control. Thanks for our country and freedoms (to not be taken for granted). Prayers for Huffy's friend's son who suffered a serious accident in Paris, France and is in the hospital (in France still) with head injuries. Prayers for miraculous healing for that little boy and any/all support that he/his family needs. ----------- Coffeteria followed at Stu's house  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

As always, an honor to lead and I appreciate the good turn out on July 4th. Thanks to the PAX for keeping me/each other accountable. If you guys weren't out there week in and week out...I wouldn't be out there on my own..at least not for long. I'm out there for you guys first and somewhat selfishly to keep myself on track as well.  I've been thinking about staying "on track", as it were, a lot lately. For whatever reason in my life I've typically been able to sustain new things/high levels of effort for only about 1.75 years or so before cracks start to show.  Well guess where I am in my F3 journey now...roughly 1 year and 9 months. I'm working hard to kick that cycle, so please call me out if you see me slippin'. SYITG !!!

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