CC & VG Traveling Beatdown

AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-07-19

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (26): Bagel, Baskins, Bill Dance, Corndog, Crab Cake, DirtyMO, Durty Nelly, F3 Swiper, Hail Mary, Harding, Jugdish, Krystal, Mantooth, Omaha, Pinkman, Relient, Schneider, Simple Jack, Snake, Snowman, Spit Valve, UMass - Todd Doherty, Vanna, Whiz, Avis


We were excited for the 3rd CC and VG beatdown with toys!  This time...Grindstone!


Mosey'd to the field a little early to go through OYO warm ups and walk through the 13 stations to quickly explain each one. Also had a poster sheet paper with exercises listed at each station.  

The Thang:

13 stations, 3 minutes at each station, with 15 seconds to transition. Partner up and go to a station to begin. When timer goes off, partner 1 goes left, partner 2 goes right to mix it up a little. Partner 1 exercise is timer, partner 2 is amrap. Alternate P1 / P2 1. Pull sled 20 yd and return / AMRAP mountain climbers 2. 10 Box jumps on plyo box / Mercans AMRAP 3. Bear crawl to 10yd line dragging ruck sack / reverse LBCs holding 20lb vest AMRAP 4. Murder bunny with cinder to 10yd line/ Squat to press with Cinder AMRAP 5. Tire Flip to 20yd line, partners alternate 6. Battle ropes alternate arms 15 reps / Bonnie Blair AMRAP 7. Farmer Carry 45lb plates to 20yd and back / 30lb KBell swings AMRAP 8. Big Tire - sledge hammer 5 hits each side / Mercan Jacks AMRAP 9. Push Sled to 20 and back / Flutters AMRAP 10. 12 lb medicine ball-push press to 30yd and back / High Plank 11. 10 Goblet squats 25lb KBell / High plank toe taps with feet on small box AMRAP 12. 15 lb Medicine ball slam 15 reps / Burpees AMRAP 13. Running to other goal line, backwards return / BBSU AMRAP Got through all 13 stations just in time!   This was a killer workout and the humidity didn't help.


Pray for Snowman's interviews  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

What a great showing for a fun and different workout. Thanks to Crabcake for another successful beatdown with toys!

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