So long Richard Simmons

AO: Big Creek

When: 2024-07-24

QIC: Napalm

PAX (13): Baskins, Cha-Ching, Corndog, Ma Bell, Mantooth, Napalm, Pinkman, Schneider, Snake, Snowman, Whiz, winning


We, or should I say I, decided that it was high time to honor the late Richard Simmons with paving the way for fitness culture in the US.  Plus it gave us an excuse to wear really short shorts and in the case of Snake an afro wig.


No freakin side-straddle-hop.  Lots of stretching/mobility work.  considering the short shorts, the extra slow Wily-Mays-Haze was a bit "revealing".

The Thang:

We played Richard Simmons trivia. Correct answers resulted in reduced reps at the pain station.  There were no correct answers. 1st station, three rounds of 5 pistol squats per leg, 5 dragon squats per leg, one lap around the soccer pitch 2nd station, four rounds of 50 meter wheel barrels 3rd station, 50 calf raises on the curb 4th station, crawl bear down the hill, bear crawl up the hill, six times 5th station, two rounds of 15 dips and one mosey up the hill finished with five wolverines.


Our sixth man, delivered a very moving discussion about how F3 has helped him through some difficult times.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Its good that men should suffer together gladly.

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