Coupon it is

AO: Firehouse

When: 2024-07-25

QIC: Better Call Saul

PAX (4): Beanz, Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, Seaman


YHC arrived home after flying back from PHX around midnight - dragged myself out of bed and went to Firehouse where I discovered that I had not insured that someone had the Q.  That meant I had to take it and come up with something on the spot.  You can always do a coupon beatdown as we have multiple piles of rocks around the AO so that became the plan.


Michael Phelps Willie Mays Hays SSH Imperial Walkers Sun Gods

The Thang:

Grab a coupon and walk alternating with rifle carry or regular carry.  Stop periodically for exercises which included curls, squats, ground pounders, situps, American hammers. we had 5 minutes of Mary at the end where we did merkins, fire hydrants, Rosalitas and the electric bike.


no announcements Prayers for those with health issues and those traveling as well as teachers and students returning to school next week. praise for new that my mom is now in remission from cancer

Naked-Man Moleskin:

good conversation and camaraderie - glad to be back in the gloom today after a week away.

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