AsCan School

AO: Black Water

When: 2024-07-29

QIC: 5-way

PAX (9): Cha-Ching, Chinstrap, Krystal, Lightweight, Mantooth, Olaf, Schneider, Winning, Fin


10 brave PAX ascended onto Black Water to answer the questions, are astronauts real, was the moon landing real, is the moon real and is @baskins real?  If astronauts were real they started in Astronaut Candidate school.  (AsCans for short) All questions were answered save one.  Jury is still out on baskins.  :-)


Back street up the hill for a new warm-o-rama location. Hillbillies Imperial Walkers Weed Pickers Willey Mays-hayes Side Straddle Hop

The Thang:

Thang one Space Walking (performed at the theatre as many lacked space gloves including YHC) -PAX performed bataan death craw with last PAX dropping back to do 3 burpees and rotating to the front of the line tagging the last PAX in line on the way for a round of burpees Thang two muscle build up for space atrophy (performed as 11s at theatre side to side) -10 Dead man merkins to start (hands out at 90 degree angel as close to hips as possible) -1 meteorite opposite side of theatre (lay on back hands and arms to chest explode legs and arms to 6 and 12 and back to fetal position) Thang three body control (performed as 7s at theatre) -6 orbit around the sun (plank position on hands and rotate fee around hands clockwise then counter-clockwise for 1 rep at bottom of theatre) -1 giant lunge for mankind (lung with twist and punch across body alpha count) Final thang was duck duck plank at the flag -PAX plank on hands in a circle and PAX take turns orbiting the PAX and when back to plank position tag next PAX to begin their orbit


Phoenix starting up 8/7 at Central Park (flag will be near the big park).  Sign up now to attend this ground breaking event! Welcome Fin (Simon)!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Pray for patience for our teachers this week and for the hearts of students this school year.

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