Wreck Freestyle
AO: The Wreck
When: 02/01/2021
QIC: Juul
PAX (14): Switch, bieber, squeegee, scratch off, norm, bear, windex, sell-out, hasselhoff, aflac, yankee, I-beam, Donor (FNG)
Disclaimer provided. Let’s roll.
Mosey to the playground for:
- 15 SSHs
- 15 hillbillies
- 15 weedpickers
Followed by one round of Morning Call:
- All PAX in plank position. Outside 2 do 5 pull-ups while the rest simultaneously do 5 pushups. Rotate down the line until all PAX have done 5 pull-ups.
The Thang:
Mosey over to the parking lot to grab a coupon. Small to medium was recommended as we would be doing some running with them. Not all in attendance chose wisely.
Mosey over to the football field for some modified red barchetta:
- Line up on the goal line with your coupon
- Run to the far goal line and do 100 squats with the coupon
- Ran back to the starting goal line then, run to the 75 yard line. 75 curls with coupon
- Down and back to the 50 yard line. 50 skull crushers with coupon
- Down and back to the 25 yard line. 25 overhead press with coupon
- Mary for the 6
Back on the goal line:
- Run to the 50. 50 single count lunges with coupon
- Down and back to the 25 yard line. 25 bus drivers with coupon
- Mary for the 6
Return coupons and mosey over to the road at the bottom of the entrance that leads up to the gym/pool. 1 merkin at the bottom then run to the top and do 6 burpees. Rinse and repeat for a round of 7’s.
Run the long way around the pond trail, then some quick plyometrics hopping up the wood stairs to the top parking lot. Mosey back to the flag for some crunchy frogs and dying cockroaches.
Time called.
Q school this Friday at the Wreck (led by Sell out) for any that are interested.
Pushing for more signups for the Climb Kili group (ping Bieber for more info)
Welcome FNG Donor!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
It is becoming clear that a class on “how to pick the right coupon” could be warranted…