Birthday Toys

AO: The Last Stand

When: 2024-01-03

QIC: Jorts

PAX (5): Ballerina, Jorts, Pink Slip, Sparky, Steamer


AIC x 10
  • SSH
  • Don Quixote
  • Bear Hugs
  • Lunges
  • Imperial Hillbillies
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Merkins (5)
Lap around the building

The Thang:

YHC brought his goruck sand toys to celebrate his birthday…
  • 53# Kettlebell swings
  • 40# sandbag burpees
  • 60# sandbag chest press
  • 80# sandbag deadlifts
  • 45# sand Jerry cans x2 farmer carries (timer)
Rotate every time farmer carrier returns After 3 rotations run a lap around the building, then resume for 4 more rotations Circle of mary


Continued prayers for Drainhole’s wife Marissa as she fights cancer and hopefully gains some more clarity on the exact location soon.

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