Slow and steady

AO: Boneyard

When: 2024-01-05

QIC: Mater

PAX (10): Dark_Side, FannyPack, Reboot, Scrooge, Shrimp, Speedo, Stifler (Jeff Levy), Zohan, Splits


Quick mosey around the parking lot, had a request for coupon so ran to the playground area where FannyPack broke off to find one while the rest of us did: SSH Windmill Weed pickers Forward and reverse arm circles Michael Phelps World's Greatest Stretch Moseyed back to the flag to grab the coupons and headed to the field

The Thang:

Today we worked on form (Form over Speed). Lined up on the blue sideline to perform our exercises for a minute, concentrating on form.  Once the minute is up, we had 45 seconds to Bernie to the other sideline, do 5 burpees, then mosey back.  If you are unable to return in time for the next 1 minute exercise, don't Bernie as far as last time (cones set up along the way to help track of location).  Move on to the next 1 minute exercise. Exercises included: Merkins Curls Big Boys Lunges Overhead Press Plank (high or low) Bent over rows Squats Dead lifts Goal was to do 20 total exercises (starting back at the top) which meant we did 100 total burpees for this month's event challenge - MABA.


Gladiator is hosting at NLB - leading and cooking breakfast on 1/13.  Great time to join and meet some good guys going through a tough time. Prayers for Speedo's father in-law Pete as he deals through insurance issues so he can get his last chemo treatment.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for coming out and being part of my life.

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