Inaugural Grand Opening Trail Blazer

AO: Trail Blazer

When: 2024-01-06

QIC: Shortcake

PAX (8): Buckshot, Caffey, Hollywood, Rooster, Scar, Shortcake, Tank, Turbine


It was a rainy and 37 degrees at 0600 that 8 PAX arrived at Milton High School Cross Country Trail to inaugurate "TrailBlazer" into the annals of F3 lore. This was a first for the group, a first of the year, a first of firsts. May the ground be ready and fruitful for the planting of HIMs. May the flag wave strong and the earth shake under feet of TrailBlazers. We move as 1. We win as 1. We are as strong as our 6. Turn the headlamps on and light it up. May we never grow dim.


PAX performed each exercise 20 yards down and back. *Chair Stretch -  both legs Go against wall. *Hip Circles *Inchworms *Toy Soldiers - kick legs up in front *Periformis stretch - grab knee pull up *Single Leg Kickback - Lunge, Rotate, Reach

The Thang:

Intro was given by Site Q Shortcake. Introduction outlined purpose of group to provide opportunity for growth of experienced and inexperienced and to find more trail runners. Group is meant to help each other to accomplish goals and have fun doing it!! PAX wore headlamps and were instructed to make turns on the trail where the preset light lamps were located. Trail course was decided by site Q to provide for a 2K loop. All PAX ran as a group the first loop and then split into 2 groups for 2nd loop.


Red Top Rumble Race is available for registration and race takes place on February 4th. TrailBlazers will support each other to conquer race. Prayers for PAX that are ill or experiencing injury.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

It is an honor and a joy to join you 7 pax in creating TrailBlazer. Let the Iron sharpen the Iron.

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