Burpees and Leg murder

AO: The Last Stand

When: 2024-01-22

QIC: Ballerina

PAX (5): Ballerina, Jorts, Pink Slip, Steamer, Big Papi, FNG- Red Rider


Ballerina and Jorts took the Q. Marcia was sucked in by the fartsack so deeply his alarm was unable to rouse him.


All pax helped - side straddle hop, Abe bagodas, bear hugs and arm circles, weed pickers, merkins, mosey

The Thang:

5 burpees, Bernie sanders up the hill, 5 burpees, mosey down the hill - repeat for 20 min leg killers - 30 sec work each exercise- squat, lunge, jump lunge, toe taps - rest - repeat x 5 5 merkins, bear crawl down hill, 5 burpees, mosey up hill - on the grass hill thunderstruck burpees to finish


Named FNG-RedRider, prayers for pax and the world, gratitude

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