7 Year F3 Anniversary Q: Running Edition

AO: Jailbreak

When: 2024-09-12

QIC: Snake

PAX (11): Cha-Ching, Gonzo, Herbie, Jugdish, Ma Bell, Mantooth, Nomad, Olaf, Relient, Schneider, Snake


Low number of HC’s and the threat of rain didn’t bode well for today’s run but as we neared 5:30 the rain held off while the PAX just kept pouring in.


Circle up in the parking long and a quick review of the route before taking off right at 5:30

The Thang:

Oldie but a goodie route running up to Sawnee Drive, over to Canton Highway and taking a left on Almon C Hill drive to add a little spice before turning down Tribble Gap to finish with a victory lap downtown.


I’m very thankful to celebrate my 7 year F3 anniversary. I originally found out about F3 from the Art of Manliness podcast and was pleasantly surprised to find a local AO meeting at Fowler Park. That first morning I found Swiper, Olaf, The Body and Reuben at Big Creek and was hooked. Through F3 I’ve made lifelong friends, done harder things than I ever imagined and become a better man, husband, father and friend. When Covid hit I fell out of the habit for 2.5 years and paid the price - lost fitness, gained 30 pounds, and hit cruise control in so many areas of my life without the connection to other high impact men. When I came back to F3 Cumming last year - after multiple EHs from Swiper - I found an even stronger region full of quality HIMs and unlimited options to get better every single day. I’ve lived with F3 and without F3 and this point I can’t imagine going back to life without F3. I’m extremely grateful to each of you for showing up regularly and consistently pushing me to be better today than I was yesterday.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Prayers for Relient’s 2.0s to recover quickly from a stomach bug Prayers for Herbie’s M (Stephanie) preparing to run a 100-miler in Idaho and for Herbie as he joins in to crew

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