A little of this, a little of that

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-09-13

QIC: Pinkman

PAX (6): Mr. Hand, Pinkman, Simple Jack, Tsunami, UMass-Todd Doherty, Wario


Mosey to the lower baseball complex.
  • SSH
  • Weed Pickers
  • Hillbillies
  • Good Mornings
  • Sun Gods
  • Willie Mayes Hayes

The Thang:

Continue mosey to the lower football field. Thang 1: 4 Corners repeated for 3 rounds
  • Corner 1 - 10 Burpees
  • Corner 2 - 20 Merkins
  • Corner 3 - 30 Squats
  • Corner 4 - 40 LBCs
Thang 2: Mosey back to the coupon pile, partnered up for some Dora.
  • 50 Overhead Press
  • 100 Curls
  • 200 Rows
Thang 3: With a few mins to spare we headed to the playground to try something new. Partner 1 performed a dead hang while Partner 2 performed an exercise. Completed a couple of rounds with Monkey Humpers and Plank Jacks. Returned to the flag just a minute before 6:15 to find the flag did not withstand the wind this morning. 10 Burpee penalty as time expired.


  • Fire Mile tomorrow at the Phoenix
  • Prayers for Simple Jack’s M as she fills two positions at work.
  • Prayers for UMass’s co worker who was killed this week.

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