Musical DORA

AO: Big Creek

When: 2024-09-18

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (8): DirtyMO, Hail Mary, Ma Bell, Napalm, Shag, Soul Glo, Vanna


To the normal warm up spot for WMH, WP, Hillbillies, sun gods, reverse lunge and good mornings

The Thang:

Soccer field first for some foxhole up to 10 reps. BBSU,roll,Mercan,roll, and add a rep every time you roll over.  It was a nice morning and the turf was nice and moist so we started off by getting wet. Soul Glo was ecstatic. Hit some Lieutenant Dan on my cadence up to 5-20. Quads were tight after this. To the rock pile for musical Dora. 1 coupon per pair. The pax with the coupon did an exercise while his partner did another exercise and was the timer. Alternate back and forth until the song is over. Song                                                                             Coupon Pax                          Timer Pax Train in Vain-The Clash.                                         Thrusters.                                  5 Burpees Keep Feeling Fascination-Human League.        Goblet Squats.                            5 Mike Tysons One Way or Another -Blondie.                             Curl to Press.                               20 LBC’s Here Comes your man -Pixies.                             Deadlift/elf on shelf                  3 Wolverines Girls on Film -Duran Duran                                Bicycle holding coupon.             5 LL Cool J’s Mosey back to circle by flag - legs heavy.  Did round of forearm plank toe taps, copperhead mercans, then pax called out Mary for 4 rounds, capped off by MaBell’s 100’s which sucked


Prayers for Vanna’s FIL who is struggling with health - Omaha very close to him so prayers out for our young buck from Grindstone Asked for prayers for my wife and I just dealing with some stress

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Nice comments from Hail Mary about my beatdowns having a good flow to them and always moving. As a “professional”, it’s important I try and make it a full body experience , high heart rate, and good muscle fatigue. I want the pax to get everything they can out of 45 minutes.  Love leading.

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