15 Pax; 15 Degrees…not quite but it was COLD! Shout out to Yahtzee who just started a couple of weeks ago and has kept up incredibly well!!
The Thang:
5:30 hit so we moseyed to the big parking lot by football field.
Parking space walk down –
- Line up at the start of the first parking space
- Run to the 13th line and do 13 Side Straddle Hop (SSH)
- Run back to the start
- Run to the 12th line and do 12 SSH
- Repeat 11, 10, 9, 8…until you do 1 SSH at the start
- We repeated this with SSH, Merkins, and Stone Mtn Pushups
Mosey to top of Monster Hill
- 10 jump squats at top – bear crawl to bottom
- 10 jump squats at bottom – bear crawl to top
- Repeat with lunges – bear crawling down and up
- Repeat with big boy situps – bear crawling down and up
- Run to bottom of the hill
- Start sundials up the hill – hard to explain….start in plank position facing up the hill. Keeping your hands planted, walk your feet around and up the hill so they are above your head. Then, keep your feet planted and walk your hands around and up the hill until you are facing back up the hill. So you are slowly “spinning” up the hill in plank position…SUNDIAL STYLE!
- Sundials back down the hill
- 10 burpees at the bottom of hill; frog jump up the hill
- 10 burpees at the top of the hill; frog jump or run backwards down the hill (QIC bit the dust jumping down the hill)
Mosey up the hill and back to the flag the long way around the lake. QIC went searching for Virginia Slim who took a short cut. Pax were busy with Mary when QIC got there ready to close it out!
GREAT WORKOUT THIS MORNING!!! (That’s for you Virginia Slim and Grease Monkey)
- Pray for Bear’s friend Marcus Taylor and his wife Elizabeth. Marcus has been battling cancer for years and it appears it’s about over. They have stopped treatments
- Pray for Ibeam’s grandmother that mass in intestines comes back okay