Echolocation Working Just Fine!

AO: Crossroads

When: 2024-01-24

QIC: Hollywood

PAX (5): Caffey, Hollywood, Lefty, Mayhem, Soler


Decided to plan a route today we had never run, lots of turns and there was real worry that we might get lost in the neighborhoods today.  Luckily Caffey decided he wanted to bring popcorn and watch the chaos, not help in anyway at all, but that is ok, YHC had everything under control!


No warm up here, we just run...

The Thang:

Decided to head out and cross Crabapple Road and take a quick loop around the lake that had never been seen.  Back up to the top of the round about and into Crabapple Crossing where we had to navigate 3 rights and 3 lefts before hitting Arnold Mill. Carefully crossed over and headed down Green to Waterside and took a tour around the subdivision and a final lap around their lake as well.  Lefty took his own route, but it worked out perfectly for us all.  With the light mist and warmer weather and so much water to see, it almost felt like we were at the country club with the Windjammer crew. Back up the hill on Crabapple Road to the starting point.   Caffey will be happy to know that even with his tricks and attempts to lure me off course, my echolocation kept us on track and we made it back at 45:00 on the dot! (Mayhem can confirm watch time)


Prayers for Soler and his wife with their upcoming doctors appointment and pregnancy, that everything go well and God watches over all of them during this time!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always and honor to lead and run with this amazing group of guys, thanks for coming out and getting stronger!

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