Summer Swolestice

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-06-20

QIC: Tumbleweed

PAX (9): Cam's, DirtyMO, Fresh Prince, Ha-ha, Matlock, Plumb Bob, Stu, Tumbleweed, Wildcat


Standard legalese and awareness that this was my VQ.


Mosey through a couple parking lots, circle around the warm up parking lot doing backward run for one length.  PAX circled up for: 14 SSH 14 Weedpickers 14 Hillbillies Arm Circles and Covids Went coupon hunting and to the football field.

The Thang:

This being the Summer Solstice (Swolstice) the theme was 14 to match the number of sunlight hours in this part of the world today. Broke up into two groups, one of five, one of four. 14 reps of each of the 4 Exercises at four stations.  Stations were setup at each corner of the goal lines.  We rotated around the field.  After each station, if rotation took you across the endzone, bear crawl across field.  If rotation was to the other goal line, run the 100 yds to the other goal line. Station 1-14 x Dips, Squats w/ Coupon, Carolina Dry Docks, JLOs (alpha) Station 2 - 14 x Superman Merkins, Lunges (Alpha), Bent Rows w/Coupon, Freddie Mercuries Station 3 - 14 x Merkins, Mt Climbers (Alpha), Monkey Humpers, Box Cutters Station 4 - Curls w/Coupon, Shoulder Press w/ Coupon, Burpees, LBCs


Cam's was our 6th man today.  Thanks Cam's for sharing. Prayers for Fresh Prince on his Mt Bike ride in Oregon.  Prayers for Maytag and his recovery.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks for letting me lead.  Appreciate the kindness during for my VQ.

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