2×200’s with fun stops

AO: Big Creek

When: 2024-09-04

QIC: Valley Girl

PAX (9): Corndog, Napalm, Relient, Simple Jack, Spit Valve, Swiper, The Hammer, Valley Girl, Whiz


Empty Q yesterday so I took it


Mosey to track for WMH, WP, SSH, reverse lunges, hill Billie’s

The Thang:

Board set up at the track for another track with exercises beatdown.// 2x200’s - each lap has an exercise, run 200 meters, do the exercise, run the remaining 200, do exercise again, go to next lap. // see photo for exercises and reps. Got back to flag and it was laying on the ground. Added 10 burpees    


Napalm daughter with Covid stuck at school. whiz as he prepares for surgery next month Simple Jacks M in the job search Swiper’s relationship with new boss

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great morning, great coffeteria

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