It was Chaos!!!

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-09-06

QIC: Swiper

PAX (12): F3 Benny, Ma Bell, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Pinkman, Schneider, Simple Jack, Swiper, Tsunami, UMass-Todd Doherty, Whiz, FNG Wario


Great morning on deck with fall temps in the air and F3 Cumming officially on the Nation Map!  LFG!!!


Mosey to the baseball field circle for warm up: Weed picker Hillbillies Good Mornings Willie Mays Hayes  

The Thang:

Mosey down to the lower football field for some corner 2 corner: Sprint 100 yards at 75%/ Side shuffle to other corner Chaos Mercans:  Goes like this - Mercan Left Shoulder Tap Mercan Right Shoulder tap Mercan Left Knee touch Mercan Right Knee touch Mercan Left foot touch Mercan Right foot touch mercan Pike left foot (foot stays on ground) touch Mercan Pike Right foot touch mercan Mike Tyson Mercan stand up Each round includes 10 mercans and we did 4 laps (4,3,2,1 reps for a total of 10) Corner 2: Jump Squats - 20, 15, 10, 5 Next, head to the building and partner up for 3 rounds of exercises: Partner A does Balls to the Wall as long as they can and Partner B works on AMRAP: 10 step ups 10 incline Mercans 5 Dercans headed back up the hill stopping midway for a bear crawl Indian run:  All PAX Bear Crawl and last PAX does Bernie Sanders to the front - stayed with it until all PAX had run Quick stop by the coupon pile for Colt 45s: Curls, OHP, and Skull Crushers and back to the flag for Mary    


- Prayers for victims, families, students, and teachers impacted by school shootings in GA this week - 9/11 Stair Climb at City Center @0500 on Wednesday.  Other AOs closed in observance - 9/14 - Phoenix Fire Mile.  1 mile lap every 15 minutes - stay as long as you like - 3rd F Book Study Virtual Call on Thursday, 9/12.  Chapter 1 of True Measure of a Man.  Details to Follow.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

  1. Warmed YHCs heart to see F3 Cumming Region and Website on the F3 Nation Map!
  2. T-Shirt order in flight: F3 Cumming new logo and (1) other AO TBD.  We are planning to initiate orders for (2) shirts every 60 days or so until we’ve updated all designs with the new Region name

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