Honoring FDNY

AO: Black Water

When: 2024-09-11

QIC: Ma Bell

PAX (22): 5-way, Baskins, Better Call Saul, Brick, Crab Cake, Ditch Witch, Dumpster, Grimace, Jugdish, Kokomo, Ma Bell, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Pinkman, Schneider, Snake, Snowman, Soul Glo, Spit Valve, Swiper, UMass-Todd Doherty, Dorn


From Jugdish: William Shakespeare wrote: "some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." The first responders on 9/11 trained mentally and physically, and when greatness was thrust upon them they were ready. Let this be a reminder that every day is an opportunity to get better, to get harder, to spur eah other on that we might be ready if greatness is thrust upon us.


Does rucking up and unrolling the firehoses count?

The Thang:

Climb 110 flights of stairs carrying heavy stuff as a symbolic remembrance of those who ascended the twin towers on 9/11.


  • Closing Ceremony
  • Count-a-rama
  • Name-a-rama
  • Announcements & Thoughts
  • Prayer requests
  • Shield lock & prayer

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Today we honored in true F3 style the 343 FDNY firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001. On that day, those brave men and women stood at the forefront of our nation's darkest hour. While others fled the collapsing towers and smoke-filled stairwells, they ran toward the danger, driven by a commitment to protect and serve. Their bravery was not a momentary act, but a profound testament to their training, dedication, compassion, and courage. They knew the risks, and yet they chose to ascend the burning towers, driven by the belief that saving one life could change the world. In those final moments, they became symbols of what it means to put others before oneself, to embody a love that is greater than fear, and to stand resolute in the face of terror. [John 15:13 - Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.] The loss of these 343 firefighters affected our country deeply. It left a void in their families and in their communities, but it also united us in a way few events ever have. In their sacrifice, we found a renewed sense of purpose, a reminder of our shared humanity, and an understanding of the price paid by those who safeguard our freedom and security. These heroes remind us that in our everyday lives, we, too, can find courage. Their example teaches us the value of selflessness, of stepping forward when called, and of standing firm in our convictions, even when the path is hard. From them, we learn that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. Let us honor their memory not only in our words today, but in our actions every day. Let us strive to build a world worthy of their sacrifice, a world that reflects the values of unity, compassion, and resilience they so valiantly upheld. And as we remember the 343 firefighters who gave their lives on 9/11, let us be forever grateful for their service, their courage, and the example they have set for us all.

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