7 Year Anniversary Q: Beatdown Edition

AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-09-13

QIC: Snake

PAX (11): 5-way, DirtyMO, Hail Mary, Jugdish, Omaha, Relient, Snake, Snowman, Spit Valve, Vanna, Nature Boy


Continuing the 7 year* anniversary celebration, YHC picked up the Q at Grindstone to recreate Clyde’s beatdown from 2017  


Took a long mosey around the trail behind the baseball field and circled up. 2017 was a simpler time and the warmups were also much simpler in those days:

SSH X 15 Hillbillies X 15

The Thang:

Mosey to the tennis court  with a quick stop halfway for 10 Merkins.

To the best of my knowledge this is the one of the few times we have utilized the tennis courts, but here we are for a little Wilt Chamberlain:

Run length of court 100 LBC’S Run length of court 100 Squats Run length of court 100 Flutter Kicks Run length of court 100 Lunges

Up to the Tennis pavilion to start a mini tour of Grindstone.

Stop 1 tennis Pavilion Burpees X 5

Stop 2 pavilion at center of baseball fields Burpees X 5 Derkins X 10

Run on trail by playground

Stop 3 pavilion by basketball courts/tag office Burpees X 5 Derkins X 10 Jump ups X 15 Step ups X 20

At this point, Clyde’s workout included 2 more stops that would have added the following but we ran out of time: Burpees X 5 Derkins X 10 Jump ups X 15 Step ups X 20 Dips X 25 LBC’s X 30 Monkey Humpers X 35 Instead we ran back to flag and humped some monkeys until the sounds of primate euphoria rang out across the park


Phoenix Fire Mile tomorrow - check slack for details Prayers/praise for Vanna - dealing with difficult business situation but closed 2 deals and more to come Relient - 2.0s are feeling better and recovering from stomach bug  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Feeling extremely grateful to celebrate 7 years* of F3. I’ve lived with F3 and I’ve lived without F3 and life is infinitely better with a group of HIMs that are constantly pushing me to be better today than I was yesterday!

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