“Caffeine High” or how we based an entire beatdown around coffee
AO: Gladiator
When: 2024-02-29
QIC: Macbeth
PAX (16): Bear, Bo Knows, Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Macbeth, Mater, Missionary, Moonshine, RaspberryPi, Speedo, Tar Heel, Yokel, Brownie
This beatdown is based around coffee, how it's picked, transported and roasted! Went through some of the basic disclaimers but everyone was an old hat so I figured I could shorten itWarm-O-Rama:
Warm-up• Mosey to other parking lot • SSH • Weedpicker • Copperhead squat • Heisman's • Tempo merkins • Michael PhelpsThe Thang:
Series of Stations announced at the time of arrival **If I yell "caffeine high" drop and do 10 speed merkins
Station 1
Pick the coffee X 3 - following exercises all single count - air chair for the 6 • One legged dead lift - 10 • Jump Squats -10 • Monkey Humpers - 10 • Lunge - 10 alpha
Station 2
Transport the coffee - split into two groups across a parking lot, the task is to bring a 130lb coffee bag across the parking lot and back in paris - rinse and repeat (everybody carry twice) • Start in an Air chair • A pair carry the coffee bag • Plank after you've carried
Station 3 - It takes about 12 minutes to roast a batch of coffee so we figured we would Roast the Core - 25 each for 12 minutes • LBC'S • Freddy Mercury's • Flutter Kicks • Donkey Kicks for the last 2 minutes!!!
Station 4 - Last mile delivery - i.e. suicides • Ran Suicides... 3x then 2x then 1x
Back to the flag for some Mary Exercises until time