The Battle of Jer”ruck”co

AO: Firehouse

When: 2024-08-01

QIC: Dunshire

PAX (4): Beanz, Better Call Saul, Dunshire, Seaman


Hey, so we showed up.  Beanz came in hot.  We started on time.


We moseyed around the parking lot and began the Warm-O-Rama with: 15 Side Straddle Hops 10 Imperial Walkers 5 Sloooow Weed Pickers SunGods OYO Michael Phelps OYO

The Thang:

We each grabbed a ruck or a rock and "marched" around the parking lot 7 times. Each round we stopped and did a pain station including (with a rock/ruck): Curls for the Gurls X14 Skull Crushers X14 Kettle Bell Swings X14 Squats X14 Big Boys X14 Merkins X7 We did one final lap going the opposite direction and came back to the flag and finished with a round of Mary/Merry. Beanz had us do Burpees until time    


We prayed for Ace's "very close" veins The new school year We discussed the importance of building each other up vs. tearing each other down There was also an analogy about the walls of Jericho being a metaphor for fears in our life.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We had coffee and discussed the finer points of school traffic, something, something, something...I can't remember.  Anyways we drank our coffee and then left.

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