Tsunami Birthday Q – 1st and 10

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-08-02

QIC: Tsunami

PAX (8): Hushpuppy, Ma Bell, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Pinkman, Soul Glo, Tsunami, UMass-Todd Doherty


Grateful for the Men of F3 to hold me accountable. So I signed up on the Q sheet a while back for a birthday Q. On Wednesday at the Bound Feathers had a great Q, so i quickly stole it and brought it to Jericho. I thought I would be the only one to have the same BD in one week but MaBell showed up, and quickly noticed my plan. Surprise or not to all PAX, its one I will defiantly be administering in the future!


Mosey to lower parking lot, SSH, Weed Pickers, Imperial Walkers, SunGods, Michael Phelps

The Thang:

Grabbed a coupon from the coupon pile and headed to the football field. did the following, running to the end zone and back after each set

10 yard line - 9 merkins - 1 man-maker 20 yard line - 18 OHP- 2 man-makers 30  yard line - 27 Curls - 3 man-makers 40 yard line -  36 Big Boys- 4 man-makers 50  yard line - 45 Shoulder Taps - 5 man-makers 40 yard line - 36 Big Boys- 4 man-makers 30 yard line - 27 Curls - 3 man-makers 20 yard line - 18 OHP- 2 man-makers 10  yard line - 9 merkins - 1 man-maker After we were done with that we did it again.


The Phoenix is rising on Wed at Central park. Prayers to all that are staring school this week.

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