One legged *** kicking

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-08-09

QIC: 5-way

PAX (5): Beanz, Mr. Hand, Napalm, Tsunami, UMass-Todd Doherty, nope


I wanted to work on stuff we don't normally do.


No freaking side-straddle-hop lots of mobility/flexibility movements  

The Thang:

legs: Pistol squats-dragon squats-lunges-squats-rapid toe touches Shoulders and core: 5 merkins - 1 BTW x5 then 25 shoulder taps-100 shoulder to overhead with the coupon 2 miles worth of running the wooded path with no lights, to improve our night vision.



Naked-Man Moleskin:

70 years of pop music is wrong.  Living for yourself and/or living for the moment will result in misery and despair. Living for the other, being a benefit to your fellow man, will result in fulfillment.

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