
AO: Grindstone

When: 2024-08-16

QIC: Relient

PAX (10): DirtyMO, Grimace, Hail Mary, Jugdish, Omaha, Relient, Snowman, Spit Valve, Valley Girl, Vanna


The ladies love guys who don’t skip leg day. The pre-runners are grateful for our pace setter, Spit Valve, for keeping our egos in check and reminding us just how slow we are. YHC is also grateful for park bathrooms that remain unlocked 24/7.


SSH, Good Morning, Weed Picker, Windmill, Moroccan Night Club

The Thang:

Mosey to top of parking lot for warm up, mosey to football field goal line for briefing. explained that any time the PAX are instructed to do “That Thang” they are to complete: 10 merkins, 10 Carolina dry docks, 10 wide grip merkins, 10 plank jacks. we did that thang before getting into the meat of the beat down. Did some good old fashioned suicides, doing 25 squats each time they touched the goal line and Bonnie Blair for the yard line they were on - 25, 50, 75, 100. Did that thang again before moseying to the voting precinct. PAX Bernie’d up the hill and moseyed back down 5x. We then moseyed to the stairs while debating what muscle the Bernie is supposed to work. Shockingly, no consensus was reached. PAX did 10 curls for the gurls at the bottom of the stairs, box jumped up the stairs and then did 10 BBC at the top, repeating until time to head back to flag. We did stop to do that thang one last time in the middle of this exercise. Moseyed back to flag for a few rounds of Mary.


Prayers for Snowman’s oldest 2.0 moving into her own place and beginning her adult life today. Praise for the good lord presenting a solution for Grimace’s child care situation.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great comraderie and discussion during the BD this morning. We are all grateful for the realization of the difference between drinking buddies and true friends. I specifically am grateful for the PAX patience with me, as I was typically the 6 at my own Q, and still learning the first exact order and verbiage of things. I know, however, that my brothers will always support me no matter what.

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