Brown clouds and Pain

AO: Jericho

When: 2024-08-16

QIC: Mr. Hand

PAX (9): Hushpuppy, Ma Bell, Mr. Hand, Pinkman, Schneider, Simple Jack, Swiper, Tsunami, UMass-Todd Doherty


Like a great site Q Pinkman made me aware that the Q was open for today and of course I hopped on it. It has been a month or two since I have lead at Jericho and I am glad Pinkman hit me up. Freed to lead fellas.


Mosey down to the lower parking lot: SSH, Weed Pickers, Willie Mayes Hayes, Good Mornings HP and Schneider needed to change their britches after the Alabama Handshakers. YHC could see the brown cloud forming so we got the heck outta there and moseyed to the lower football field.

The Thang:

DORA-50 burpees, 100 mercans, 150 squats. Only difference was there was no running involved. For the burpees, the PAX who would normally be running bear crawled to the 15 yard line and back, for the mercans it was a broad jump to the 15 and back, and for the squats it was a backwards lunge to the 15 and back. Mosey to the upper football field. As a group we stayed together and hit up the core. 4 corners-one exercise per corner mosey the end zones and for the sidelines mosey the first 50 yards and AYG for the next 50. 10 BBU, 15 crunchy frogs, 20 planks jacks, 25 LBC's. Rinse and repeat adding 5 reps for each corner. YHC felt we had not done enough sprints we we did the length of the field and back 2x. Mosey first 50 and AYG the next 50. Mosey to the flag for a one minute plank.


Prayers for Tsunami's wife and daughter as they travel this weekend. Darth Visor/Ready Mix Memorial CSAUP at Perimeter Church 8/24. See Slack for detials. 9/14-The Phoenix Fire Mile. See Slack.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Pleasure to lead fellas

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