2 Year Anny

AO: Black Water

When: 2024-08-19

QIC: Pinkman

PAX (15): 5-way, Cha-Ching, Chinstrap, F3 Benny, Hushpuppy, Krystal, Ma Bell, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Olaf, Pinkman, Swiper, The Body, Winning, Other, Ditch Witch


Wow, time really does fly when you are having fun. Two years ago Benny EH’d me, at the time I was into running and he convinced me I would fit right in. He was right, I first posted at The Storm and showed up to Jailbreak a couple of times but it took me a while to make it to my first BeatDown. I will always remember the night before that Beatdown, Benny told me to bring gloves and a cinder block if I had one. A Cinderblock? Why would I have one of those and what could we possibly be doing with it? Well it turns out it was an Iron Pax BD, needless to say it kicked my butt. I was sore for a week but there was something about it I loved. Slowly but surely I started showing up more consistently and I’m so glad I did. Not only have gotten into better shape, I’ve made friends I didn’t know I needed. I’m thankful for this group and look forward to celebrating many more!


Quick mosey to get the blood flowing, with an FNG in the house this morning gave this disclaimer and jumped into the warm ups. SSH Good Mornings Windmills Moroccan Night Clubs Michael Phelps

The Thang:

In the spirit of my first BD I knew I wanted to incorporate cinders. I looked back but there wasn’t a BB from that day (maybe the bot really does work) so I just made it my own. Grabbed our cinders and headed to the Amphitheatre. PAX were greeted with a board made up of 3 sets of 4 exercises. After each set take a “recovery” lap around the water and proceed with the next set. Rinse and repeat. Several PAX completed three rounds of each set but everyone got a fully body workout! Set 1: Goblet Squats x 12 Overhead press x 12 Flutters x 12 (CC) Side Lunges x 12 Set 2: Bent over Rows x 12 Step Ups x 12 Swings x 12 Curls x 12 Set 3: V-Ups x 12 Floor Press x 12 Kneel to Stand x 12 Around the world x 12 Headed back to the flag with a few minutes to spare and finished off the morning with some Mary.


Darth Visor/Ready Mix Memorial BD on 8/24. 9/11 Stair climb - location TBD Phoenix Fire Mile on 9/14 Prayers for Benny’s cousin, The Body’s friend and praises for the students who accepted Jesus at church camp this weekend.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

This is a special group of men. For the newer guys keep showing up, put yourself out there to lead and I promise you won’t regret it!

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