Keeping Warm at The Phoenix

AO: The Phoenix

When: 2025-01-08

QIC: Mantooth

PAX (8): Diego (MikeStanley), Ditch Witch, Krystal, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Pinkman, Schneider, The Body


Cold weather called for some constant movement to keep the Cumming PAX warm.


PAX moseyed to the top of the parking lot and performed Weed Pickers, Freddie Mercury, Good Mornings, Hillbillies, SSHs, Little Sun gods, Big Sun gods, and Michael Phelps OYO.

The Thang:

Once we were good and warm, I wanted to make sure PAX stayed warm. No better thang to do than, Mantooth's Merkin Mile (M3)! 4 rounds of 2:30 minutes to complete a lap around the top section of the parking lot (.27 miles according to Footpath) and 15 merkins. This proved to be just the right time for some PAX to finish the merkins as time was expiring, so no down time to start the next lap. Once M3 wrapped up, we Indian (Native American for Krystal) Ran to the football field as YHC stopped for the phone and speaker for some tunes. At the football field, we set up four corners. PAX Nur'd on the baseline and jogged the sidelines. At the first corner, we performed 20 squats, next corner 20 American Hammers, next 20 Hand Release Merkins, and last 20 Crunchy Frogs. After performing two rounds of four corners, we switched things up for some fun with some tunes. YHC called on PAX to give two different exercises that we would perform 10 reps each of and keep looping until the end of a song. Once the song ends, we would perform 5 burpees and call for two more exercises for the duration of the next song. Pinkman suggested Bulgarian Ball Busters (Cumming Count) and Mr. Hand threw out Squat Jumps. Next, Ditch Witch wanted some Catalina Wine Mixers and Diego offered up some Peter Parkers. Then we went with Schneider wanting some Flutter Kicks (CC) and The Body requesting Carolina Dry Docks (shoulders were SHOT adding these in). Krystal capped us off with some Tuck Jumps and we went back to Carolina Dry Docks since we only got one round in with the last song. We finished with 10 burpees before heading back to the flag. Upon arrival to the flag, we found out we had 10 more burpees to perform with the flag laying on the ground. Krystal will say the ground was too frozen to plant it, but I have a feeling he suggested Tuck Jumps for his flag planting insecurities.


No big announcements and no prayer requests. Everyone was okay with wrapping up COT quick to get in their vehicles and turning on the heat.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to lead the Cumming HIM! Sorry for incorporating M3 so much, but damn it some of us need to harden up! Talk with Snowman and he'll tell you our region is too soft. LFG!!

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