Apparently the pax is not terribly fond of bear crawls, and think that absurdly long bear crawls are somewhat low on the fun scale. There also seems to be some hostility and bitterness directed toward cinder blocks used as exercise equipment.
The Thang
Mosey across the parking lot just to throw the pax off of the “norm”. Circle up at Hurricane Grill to warm up for the storm. IC, we started off with SSH, CopperHead Squats, Imperial Walkers.
Mosey toward the church parking lot. Line up for an Indian run (to get in the proper mindset for battling the bears) to the back corner of the parking lot to pick out a friendly cinder block to utilize as a sculpting tool.
Find a partner among the pax. Partner 1 bear crawls a ridiculously long distance down the hill, around the corner and to the pavilion. It quickly became evident why many bears have a bad attitude. It is simply from bear crawling all the time. Poor creatures!
I digress…
Partner 1 then runs back to where partner 2 has been counting some Doras.
Dora 1, 2, 3. 100 kettlebell swings, 200 curls, 300 squats all with the cinder block.
The quote of the morning: “Looked good on paper, didn’t it?”
A brisk mosey back to the flag led into a round of Mary. LBC, Freddy Merkury, and Dying Cockroach rounded out our time.
COT: Prayers for Boomer’s M who is running in the Chicago Marathon, a friend’s dad who has been in the ER for a bit, and YHC is unable to recall BRD’s prayer request, but God knows what it is!
Good work this morning men! It is my pleasure to work and grow stronger with you all.