Tag Teams

AO: Firehouse

When: 2024-08-06

QIC: Lightweight

PAX (4): Better Call Saul, Dunshire, Lightweight, Suárez


We showed up


Went to the usual spot and warmed up

The Thang:

Using the soccer filed we started at one end and broke up in to groups of two.   Person 1 started with Merkins while person 1 ran to the first line on the field. Once back person 2 did Merkins while person 1 ran to the next line and back. Once all lines were completed we switched to Big Boy sit-ups and repeated the process above. After Big Boy sit-up round we did a slow mosey around the field. Starting back at the end of the field we all ran to the first line and did 1 Burpee and ran back. We did this 6 times while adding on a Burpee at each line. Ran to the flag for a round of Mary.


Ended with Ball of Man.

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