My prediction?……PAIN!

AO: Big Creek

When: 2024-08-21

QIC: Napalm

PAX (8): Bagel, DirtyMO, F3 - The Hammer, Ma Bell, Napalm, Soul Glo, Spit Valve, Swiper


I wanted to try a few new things to see if they hurt of not.


Focused on stretching and flexibility. No stinkin side-straddle-hop

The Thang:

First we hung from the bleachers and did knees to chin raises, alternating with squats: 10 K2C - 20 squats, 15K2C- 30squats, 20K2C-40 squats, 25K2C-50squats, then 10 more K2C just for fun. Then 20 side scissor kicks per leg with a lap around the rugby pitch, while only facing south. 20 dirty dogs per leg with a lap around the rugby pitch, while only facing south. Then 25 yard wheel barrow forward, 25 yard wheel barrow backward. Moved the hill: 50 calf raises on the curb, bear crawl down the hill, crawl bear up the hill twice.


It was the first time in a long time that no one had an injured or sick relative.  We expressed our gratitude for that.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

They're ivory handled revolvers.  Only a cheap New Orleans pimp would carry pearl handled guns. -Gen. G.S. Patton Jr.

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