Its Hip to be Square

AO: Firehouse

When: 2024-08-29

QIC: Better Call Saul

PAX (6): Beanz, Better Call Saul, Closets closets closets, Dunshire, Lightweight, Seaman


YHC went with the usual - over to the football field for BD


Imperial Walkers, SSH, Michael Phelps, Willie Mays Hays, Good Mornings

The Thang:

At each corner of the field we do an exercise.  Run between corners.  Rinse and Repeat. We did Merkins, Squats and LBC's every round with a different exercise for the fourth and final corner.  These included Shoulder Taps, Calf Raises, Alabama Prom Dates, Fire Hydrants etc. Did do one recovery lap of walking in the middle somewhere. Then 5 minutes of Mary at the flag. Spotify playlist "Classic Rock Workout" provided the tunes.


No announcements. Prayers for Seaman's niece upcoming surgery and my son's upcoming job interview.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Great and exhausting morning in the gloom

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